• Lotus Consulting

    Conversations, Diversity, Innovation, Change

  • Who We Are

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    Lisa Tribuzio



    Lotus Consulting Itl is managed by Lisa Tribuzio.


    Lisa is a Social Worker who has had 25 years experience in the field of equal opportunity, lobbying to governments to address poverty, social disadvantage, racism and discrimination, and policies which promote oppression of Australian communities.


    Lisa has worked in the fields of multiculturalism, tertiary, disability and youth and family services and brings with her experience and knowledge working in community welfare, media, local government and the education sectors.  


    She has also travelled through Asia and the Middle East working with human rights organizations promoting cross cultural exchange, education and understanding of human rights.


    She has a particular focus on the context of communities and how policies as well as cultural norms affect access to services and opportunities.


    She has a Bachelor of Science (Psych), Bachelor of Social Work, Graduate Cert in Creative Arts Therapy and a Masters in Islamic Studies. She was also a member of the EEON (Equal Employment Opportunity Network).


    Lisa operates from a humanitarian and community development framework.


    She is also a Certified Effortless Meditation teacher.



    "Throughout my 20 year career as a Social Worker in the field of diversity, equity and community development, I have been given with the opportunity to listen to people's story and to advocate and work toward addressing injustices that are faced in our systems and communities.


    I have hope that equal opportunity can be achieved through being intentional in our work, open to meaningful relationships, curious as to what are the barriers between us and open to learning about discrimination and inequality".



  • What We Do

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    Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Training

    Lotus Consulting Itl offers diversity training to equip people with the skills in working effectively within a diverse society and developing cultural intelligence.

    The training involves modules on self-awareness, values, attitudes and beliefs, the importance of having empathy for others, listening and respecting recognised differences and interacting within diverse spaces.

    The training involves self awareness exercises, education and awareness about diversity, equity and inclusion and case studies to learn from.

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    Conference Presentations

    Lotus Consulting can deliver conference presentations tailored to your audience. Topics include:

    Diversity policy, planning and practice


    Equity versus Equality

    Psychosocial models of care

    Inclusive programmming for a target audience

    Inclusive practices within disability fields

    Cross-cultural communication


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    From Anthropologist to Friend

    From Anthropologst to Friend is a two hour workshop which explores narrative approaches and storytelling as a tool to encourage mutual sharing relationships in multicultural settings.

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    Grant writing and business development support for NGOs

    Lotus Consulting works alongside individual community leaders, community groups and small to medium NGOs to plan projects, seek appropriate grant opportunities, grant writing, project funding reporting requirements, evaluation and business development support.

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    Diversity Strategic Planning

    Business advice and strategic planning around diversity management and inclusive practices for organisations who are on the journey of diversity, equity and inclusion policy, and practice. This program is targeted at managers, senior leaders and team leaders who are responsible for the development of policies and procedures which promote inclusive programs and teams.

    The difference between equity and equality will also be explored.

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    Tailor made programs


    Programs which aim to address key community issues in the multicultural sector through creative and innovative programs including conference presentations.





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    Meditations for Busy People

    Lotus Consulting offers workplaces 20-30 minute meditations using Effortless Meditation Techniques. Classes are run in an accessible and comfortable manner in the workplace where people sit in chairs. They can also be run online. Contact lotusconsulting2012@gmail.com to book.

  • Who we work with

    Lisa Tribuzio, Manager of Lotus Consulting with Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the sixth Secretary-General of the United Nations, in Cairo 2009

    Lisa Tribuzio with Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the sixth Secretary-General of the United Nations, in Cairo 2009



    Lotus Consulting Itl has worked with clients who value diversity, human rights, and equal opportunity.


    These include:





    Lentil as Anything

    Youth Activating Youth

    Islamic Museum of Australia

    InterAction - Multifaith Youth Network

    Islamic Council of Victoria

    The Eritrean Community of Australia

    Victorian Arabic Social Services

    African Street Theatre

    Werribee Islamic Centre

    Centre for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation - Cairo

    Campfire Film Foundation

    North Lions Football Club

    Songlines Victoria' s peak Aboriginal music body

    Deakin University

    Scouts Vic

    Nasihah Consulting


    Whittlesea City Council Youth Services

    Fitzroy Primary School

    Collective Shout

    Initiatives of Change

    Roxburgh Park Early Learning Centre

    Hobson's Bay City Council

    Tarab Palestinean Ensemble

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    Lisa Tribuzio running health promotion workshops with Iraqi leaders in Shepparton in collaboration with the Victorian Arabic Social Services

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    Lisa Tribuzio with Fransesca Rizzoli, journalist at SBS and filmmaker of Dear Homeland. Lotus Consulting collaborated with SBS to host the Dear Homeland workshop in August 2017 which showcased the four short films of people writing letters to their homeland. The dear Syria short film can be found on SBS on demand as well as Dear Italy, Dear Iraq and Dear Somalia. Rich discussions were had involving potential collaborations to promote dialogue around the concept of home and developing empathy for others.

  • Achievements



    Lotus Consulting has achieved the following over the last 15 years of operation:


    Support for the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing's (The Centre) co-design module with My Aged Care and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission on Culturally Appropriate Care and the Centre's Diversity Webinar series


    Support for Lexigo's co-design translations project about Covid-19 booster shots to 15 ethnic communities


    Diversity Matters workshop series launched in City of Hume focusing on inclusive schools. In April 2017 the first seminar was hosted by Lotus Consulting entitled Responding to Racism in Schools and attended by 40 professionals working with young people. In August 2017 a second seminar was held entitled Dear Homeland with SBS and discussions were had with stakeholders about potential collaborations in the future


    Successful secured a grant for Islamic Museum of Australia for 2017 to support Muslim artists in Victoria to showcase their works and promote intercultural dialogue and understanding


    Participated in the Australian National University College of Asia and the Pacific media training research which explores how to make media training more inclusive and accessible to diverse communities


    Developed a Cultural Diversity Training Manual and delivers cultual diversity training to 80 Managers and staff at Bupa Health insurance with a 95% positive feedback rate


    Worked with Barcelona based artist and poet Pezkhamino at Studio Margarit 28 in Poble Sec, Barcelona a space for the development of multidisiplinary and unifying projects. http://pezkhamino.com/about


    Delivered Cross cultural training to 100 service providers in the City of Hume on working with culturally ​diverse families with the aim to break own the Us and Them paradigm through storytelling


    Consulted with Hobsons Bay City Council about the ways in which to design programs engaging diverse young women in the Altona area


    Cultural Diversity workshop delivered to Senior Managers at BUPA, November 2014, discussing how embracing cultural diversity in the workplace can acheive positive results


    Storytelling workshop entitled From Anthropologist to Friend delivered to 40 young people at Youth Forum in partnership with Whittlesea Council, taking young people away from the US and THEM approach to mutual sharing relationships with newly arrived young people


    Workshops with service providers working with culturally diverse communities which explore self awareness of internal conflicts within multicultural settings through storytelling


    Shades of Light program, a creative arts program exploring storytelling and creative expression and self reflection delivered to 40 women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds


    Development of interfaith workshops for University students at University of Melbourne, Monash and RMIT Universities


    Assistance with Youth Human Rights Resource Manual with the Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission


    Input into the CEDOW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women) report


    Strategic advice and input in the Victorian Arabic Social Services

    Anti Racism Action Band film Zajal in 2014, a documentary showcasing stories of poetry and human expression from the Arab world which relates across cultures and generations


    Support and strategic input provided to Global Echo consultants for Australian poet Luka Lesson's The People's Tour in June 2014 which involved exploring the richness and vibrancy that makes up our community showcased through performance poetry by some of Australia's most respected and well known spoken word artists

  • Participant Feedback


    Quotes from Creative Arts workshops:




    “I found my inspiration”


    "Stepping out of my comfort zone and attending on my own also allowed me to connect with new people. I loved the experience from start to end!”

    “I learnt that everybody has a challenge in life and no matter what, life is beautiful. We have control over our emotions and how we process them - we just need to channel them in a healthy (arty) manner"

    “Thank you, it was an enlightening experience, one that I feel is important for many females whose needs get ignored or who feel they are not receiving sufficient support"


    Feedback from Cross Cultural Training:


    "I discovered that when I saw an image of a man in a beard, I came up with the word and I surprised myself as I thought I was racist. The training gave me that permission to explore this further and to look at my internal racisms with curiousity and to try to find out where the racism came from"


    "The training gave me the opportunity to know that it is in building relationships that can help remove the unfamiliarity we came across in cross cultural settings"


    "I think as service providers we need to have our feathers ruffled, I liked it"



    Feedback from Managers at Bupa about Lotus Consulting Diversity training



    "Really well facilitated; great balance between allowing conversations to flow and bringing it back and also involving those who might not have been as outgoing"


    "Activities increasingly had practical application, and great that we had to do action plans - covers the 'so what' and 'what's next' that is so often missing from workshops"


    "This workshop was great. I took a lot out of this and has made me realise there is a cultural gap in my team. Very excited to take this back to my team and engage them more into our community".


    "Content was very helpful and relevant to my role. Extremely important in the day to day environment at the store. Team require a lot of support in this area. Would like more training and time dedicated to this topic"








  • Testimonials


    "I take immense pleasure in recommending Lotus Consulting Itl. Lisa's capacity as a leader, combined with her profound understanding and empathy for diverse cultures and lived experiences of those around her, distinguishes her as a unique and invaluable asset to any project or organisation. Lisa's extensive work in various sectors – government, education, community, youth, media, multicultural, aged care, and disability – has allowed her to cultivate a deep understanding and exceptional versatility in her field. It is these qualities, coupled with her varied experience, that truly make her stand out."


    Mark Saba, CEO, Lexigo


    "I’ve had the pleasure of working with Lotus consulting in raising awareness of the extent and impact of racism in schools. Lisa brings a depth of wisdom and experience to this work, connecting with a larger vision of social justice that resonates with a wide range of people, and is of considerable benefit in advancing cultural diversity objectives in Australia."


    Professor Yin Paradies, Chair in Race Relations, Deakin University


    “Lotus Consulting has assisted Youth Activation Youth in many ways. Lisa has a comprehensive understanding of the internal workings of grant processes and non-for-profit organizations. The wealth of knowledge and experience Lisa has accumulated in the nonprofit sector inspire her to help organizations address cultural diversity in the workforce.”


    Ali Ahmed, Director, Youth Activating Youth



    "I have had the pleasure of working alongside Lisa Tribuzio of Lotus Consulting on several projects. Throughout our engagement she was consistently professional and approachable in her demeanour, clearly earning the respect of her clients. Lisa's ethic of preparation and evaluation pre and post projects, is faultless. Her people skills are on point, and her industry knowledge, impressive. I have absolutely no hesitation in collaborating with Lotus Consulting again, as I believe their work reflects the qualities that Lisa herself exemplifies; integrity, quality and vision. "

    Tasneem Chopra, Author, Consultant, Curator



    "Lisa's involvement at Roxburgh College as a wellbeing team member and also as a cultural consultant had major input into the following:


    1. School values, ethos, culture, structures and student welfare/wellbeing.
    2. Establishment of agreed policies, programs & procedures.
      1. Case management of students presenting with significant familial, learning and mental health issues.
    3. Providing support for all students.
    4. Working closely with parents and the wider community.
    5. Provision of education & training.


    I have no hesitation recommending Lisa as a consultant and critical friend in any role she may be asked to play."


    Tony Wakefield, Student Services Manager, Roxburgh College


    "Working with Lisa was an absolute joy. Delivers above and beyond expectations everytime. Readily accessible, flexible, always understanding and always prepared to go the extra mile.

    Lisa is a real professional offering real insights, practical knowledge and that touch of wisdom. I can’t speak highly enough of Lisa – great talent, great person!"


    Nail Aykan | Executive Director, Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV)


    "I have had the pleasure of working with Lotus Consulting since early 2014 through a series of 'Rise Up' programs at Hume Valley School, a school for students with a mild intellectual disabilities and several International Women's Day workshops with young girls from refugee and migrant backgrounds and diverse multicultural faiths at Collingwood English Language school. Lisa specialises in intercultural and interfaith dialogue and social work services within the multicultural sector. She presents with grace and compassion, creating a safe space to for young people to discuss important issues and topics. She is a passionate advocate for social justice, community cohesion and promoting social awareness and cross-cultural understanding. She is able to gently engage young people at risk of social marginalisation with empathy, sensitivity and creativity.

    I would highly recommend and support Lisa for any work that involves engaging diverse communities.


    Kattimoni Beames, Singer / Transformational Arts Therapist, www.kattimoni.com



  • Events

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    Lotus consulting hosted a seminar entitled Responding to Racism in schools. The seminar was well attended by a range of professionals working with young people and families. Discussions focused on the role of educators in promoting diverse storytelling in the classroom, equipping young people with the skills in responding to racism in schools, consulting and collaborating with multicultural organisations and further training for educators in understanding privilege. A warm thanks goes out to Professor Yin Paradies from Deakin university, Cultural Infusion who sponsored the event, Ali Ahmed and Ahmed Nur from Youth Activating Youth and Banksia Gardens Community Centre in particular Jaime De Loma-Osorio Ricon for his invaluable support. The seminar led way to future seminars focusing on diversifying classrooms and curriculums and planning for inclusive schools.

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    Lisa Tribuzio, Manager of Lotus Consulting with Ash Naim, General Manager for Islamic Museum of Australia. Lotus Consulting successfully secured a grant to support Muslim artists


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    Lotus Consulting in collaboration with Banksia Gardens community centre and SBS hosted its second seminar of its Diversity matters series in the City of Hume entitled:

    Storytelling in our Classrooms: Dear Homeland: Migrant Letters from Australia


    The seminar featured a special film screening of Dear Homeland: Migrant Letters from Australia. These short films feature stories form migrants from Somali, Italian, Syrian and Iraqi backgrounds writing letters to their homeland. The short film Dear Syria won the Best Long Form Feature prize at the 2016 Premier's Multicultural Media Awards.


    This seminar gave participants the chance to contribute and listen to discussions around diversifying storytelling in our classrooms and tools to build bridges of understanding between students of diverse cultural and faith backgrounds.


    The workshop guestspeaker was Francesca Rizzoli. Francesca is a photo and video journalist and radio producer and broadcaster at SBS reporting on stories from across the globe including Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Chile, Brazil, Italy, Timor Leste, USA and Australia. The short films of Dear Homeland can be found at sbs on demand.


  • Contact Us

    Email lotusconsulting2012@gmail.com